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AU Blog Pillar Page

We’re ready to inspire you with what’s next.

Everything we do is inspired by our customers, and in turn we’re proud to share our latest creations with you. Check this page for our new products, new innovations and other insight into what we’re doing to improve lives.

Terrific Technology

When I began studying OT, I literally had no idea what job I’d end up in or what the job title even meant.

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Why cost should not be the first thought when prescribing a wheelchair.

Over the last month or so, I have been reading and hearing from therapists that cost is often the initial factor that they think about when prescribing...

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Telling your story


On the 7th of September was Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) awareness day. To assist in spreading awareness about DMD, our clinical team put...

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Transport Training

When Covid-19 hit the world, most jobs involved significant changes and mine, was equally transformed. 

At the time I was working in an inpatient Spinal...

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What is in Your Tool Kit?

I have been on the road and in the air more then I have been at home over the last couple of months. Although I have had to source a new coffee shop in...

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Back to Foundations: Simulation of Positioning, to Inform Positioning

In today's blog we are going to take a deep dive into the simulation part of the Mechanical Assessment Tool (MAT). This is the third part of the...

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Let's EmPOWER.

With the upcoming release of our new Power Seat Function (PSF) Brochures, I thought there was no better time to reflect on my own clinical application of...

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Part 3: The fine line between a perfect script and an over script

In this third and final blog on navigating the fine line that is scripting a power wheelchair, I want to leave you with a couple of thoughts.

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Part 2: The fine line between a perfect script and an over script

In my last discussion we looked at how suspension impacts the ride comfort and stability of Power Wheel Chairs (PWCs), and the functional impact this can...

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Part 1: The fine line between a perfect script and an over script

This fine line, or the dance between scripting what is going to maximise your client’s function, mobility and positioning and what is deemed reasonable...

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